Backend developers with knowledge of either Python or Ruby are the most difficult tech talent profiles to find in Barcelona, according to Joppy.
Joppy, the Tinder for tech talent in Barcelona, released a report on the state of tech jobs in the Catalan capital.
Read More: Joppy is the Tinder for tech developers looking to find work in Barcelona
While backend developers were the hardest to find in September after analyzing 130 offers from 95 companies, frontend developers with knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, or React were the easiest profiles to find.
Backend makes up the most wanted profile in Barcelona, followed by Full Stack, Frontend, Mobile, and DevOps, according to the Joppy report for November. DevOps are increasing in demand but are hard to attract.

On the pay spectrum senior talent with five years or more of experience working on Machine Learning expect the highest salaries at €60,200 while entry-level Marketers expect €28,300.
What ‘Techies’ Look For
As of October, the majority of tech talent in Barcelona is mostly interested in working on “interesting projects,” according to Joppy.
They want to work less hours and they want the flexibility to work from home, along with salary compensation.

The Tinder for Tech Talent in Barcelona
Built by developers Felipe Saal, Antonio Santiago, and Product/UX/UI guru David Mundo, Joppy is a hiring app made by developers, for developers.
Joppy is recruitment app focused on the needs of tech professionals, so they are accessible to companies. It is an app where job seekers will only see offers that match their expectations and where only companies whose offers they have accepted can contact them.
For now, it is only available for work in Barcelona, but the team has plans of expansion throughout Spain in the near future.
The founders have more than 10 years of experience in the tech world and have worked for startups such as letgo, CartoDB, Trovit, Softonic, and Incubio, among others.
They have been working together as a team for three years.
“Our experience allows us to understand the needs of professionals in the sector and to understand the current status of recruitment in tech. Joppy is our proposal to improve it,” the founders said in a statement.
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