Investor and accelerator news ?
- Luis and Jose Cabiedes have created a search fund
Startup news ?
- La Vanguardia talked to Miguel Vicente and Aquilino Peña about the current state of the Spanish (and Barcelona) startup ecosystem
- The former director of Burberry in Spain has left the company to launch a fintech startup: InbestME
Big tech news ?
- Correos Express has signed a new agreement with Amazon to deliver up to 150,000 orders per day in late 2017
Tech and policy ??♀️
- Spain’s regulator CNMV has given the green light to crowdfunding platform Housers
Interesting reads ?
- Alex Dolara (product manager at Teams): ‘The size of the B matters’
Bonus link
- Everything that happened last week in the Spanish tech sector, on Novobrief’s newsletter #60