
This website uses its own and third party cookies to improve user navigation. If you have accessed the site and continue browsing, you accept the installation of these cookies. In case you don’t know what cookies are, which types we use on this website and how to disable them, here you will find further information.

What are cookies?

Cookies (in digital language, of course) are a small text file that a website stores on a user’s browser and whose function is to facilitate the use and navigation of the web, being in some cases essential for the operation of this.

How do they do it? Storing the user’s browsing habits for that web determined. Under no circumstances Cookies store your personal information, contact details, bank or of any kind. Your privacy is assured.

What kind of cookies used this website?

For this site, the only cookies that are used are:

  • Technical cookies required for running the web:
    • Our own cookies, magaged by us.
    • Its function is to facilitate access and web browsing.
  • Navigation cookies:
    • They collect information on visitors make use of the web, eg pageviews, loading errors, etc.
    • Information is generic and anonymous, where no personal data is included, nor identifying information about visitors is collected; with the ultimate aim to improve the functioning of the website.

Furthermore, in the case of our website, cookies are primarily “session cookies”, which means they will be deleted when you leave the web.

How to disable cookies?

By default, when browsing Novobrief you accept the cookies according to this policy. If desired, you can disable them at any time from your browser by following these instructions:



Google Chrome:

Internet Explorer: