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Tech leaders to meet at Horasis India Meeting in Segovia

This June 23th-24th technology and political leaders will meet in Segovia, Spain for Horasis India…

  • lifestyle

What is the impact on innovation when protecting European gastronomic heritage?

Imagine if the monks who pioneered the creation of the traditional Portuguese pastel de nata (custard tart)…

  • Startups

Fuel startup development gets boost from NASA technology

Written by Tamara Davison ‘‘New advanced technologies will continue to emerge, transforming humanity,’’ Dr. Omar…

  • News

Protecting our cultural patrimony with 3D Laser scanning, and why it can’t be replaced

Originally posted on 150sec Last month, Parisians looked on in disbelief as their capital’s skyline…

  • Tech

Pau Gasol’s Dream Big Challenge hosts first innovation event in Latin America

Dream Big Challenge, a competition founded by Spanish professional basketball player Pau Gasol, was hosted…

  • Tech

Spain’s largest stock exchange to introduce Blockchain system

Spain’s largest stock exchange, Bolsa de Madrid, will be introducing its blockchain-based system for certifying…

  • Events

EU-Startups Summit in Barcelona to gather top accelerators in Europe

The EU-Startups Summit showcases a selection of Europe’s hottest startups that come together to learn…

  • Startups

European Car Sharing on Upward Trajectory

The sharing economy continues to grow apace.  What is the current status as regards car…

  • News

In neighboring Portugal, leaders explore globalization

Less than a year after hosting its annual India Meeting in Malaga, Spain, Horasis has…

  • business

Leaders from Spain and across the world gather in neighboring Portugal for Horasis

World leaders and top business figures will gather in neighboring Portugal for the upcoming Horasis…